Saturday, 19 December 2015

You may and can realize everything

Star Wars was partly filmed here... a breakfast in the desert of the Empty Quarter,UAE. Notice my Ministry of Magic cap..

The industrialized market economy is like a swarm of flies in a bottle. There is a senseless hustle and bustle going on with aims to produce ever more dross to dim the light shimmering through the opening of the bottle. Nevertheless, more and more people are observing the light coming from some heights above and are flying to freedom. The choice is yours although the people and structures around you try to claim you can not. But you can. I, too, can, and anyone who says he can not, he can do it too. We all can fly into the light. It is no hashed-over stuff of the weak or a fool’s paradise but a return to reality. A return to freedom and an elevation of oneself to love.

Someone might say that society can not function if people did nothing but try and develop themselves spiritually, meditate and love. I, on my part, can ask what value does society have if it can not function out of love? What value does a system have which keeps itself together by creating fear, dependency and discord? Are you able to answer these questions honestly? Or will several objections ”one must” immediately occur to you which have been fed into your mind since you were born here as a child? Every ”one must” thought dims your relationship to your self and to our understanding of the purposeful functionality of the Universe. You do not have to put anything into effect but you may and can realize everything.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

The Lovely You

Happily in front of the latest painting. I'm sitting in timelessness. The colors are light. My body is light.
You are part of the universe with me.

You are a child of light. You are joy and freedom. You can be that. You know how to. For you have all knowledge. That knowledge is not in the depths of your brain but it is in you, in the consciousness of your Higher Self, your eternal self. No one can teach you anything new, they can only help you to remember what you have forgotten. You may have forgotten even love. I do not mean that you are an embodiment of the evil full of hate and injustice when I say that you may have forgotten love. I mean by it your characteristics which are more real and closer to absolute love than the activity through which you may now manifest yourself. Most of us would be capable of achieving vastly wider and more loving self-expression than we can remember. People speak about love quite lightly. Love is mainly understood as a rather easy and manageable skill between two people which sustains a relationship and a family structure. In reality, most relationships would not be held together at all if people expressed their real selves and love. On the journey to love one can not pass the basic questions about life nor the absolutely honest self-criticism concerning the value system. A great number of the relationships between people are based on an artificial value system which is mirrored in one respect as well as another. One remains content as long as no one questions the structure. Such a state of contentment can never last long because on one’s spiritual journey every evolutionary being must purify its holistic being from energy dross. Every one will have to clear their way to the light from the suffocating case of values and attitudes where they have set themselves. Would it thus not be better to do it right now? Why would you wait? After all, you are free and can fly straight out of the bottle whenever you wish. Are you like a fly stuck in an empty bottle? Although the bottle is open the fly is going around and around inside the bottle, attracted by the lights glowing through the glass, until in the end it collapses on the bottom. Or will you fly out of the open bottle and meet the real light? You will then be freed from the illusion you created for yourself when thinking that the bottle is unbreakable. You did not want to recognize the fragility of the glass nor that the alluring lights were out of your reach. It is wiser to fly out to freedom by guiding oneself and having everything under control than to wait until the illusion around oneself breaks, in which case reality will rush in like a flood into the safe artificial world

Sunday, 20 September 2015

A larger than life experience made me once again to make art

Unattainable does not exist, Egg-tempera on Canvas, Timo Teide
After UAE residency I have not done art. I have been, worked, invested in and examined the state of spiritual development. Until. Pink and purple energy field agreed with me. My eyes were closed but I saw a purplish glow and I could feel the energy began to flow out of my hands and all my body. She who was lying next to me began to see the canine creatures that came to us in the bedroom. Theu were frienly and they took her up the space to see the Globe. And to see some past experiences. The next day, I started to paint again. I understand clearly that all my art reflects the encounters between this world and the realms.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Universal love is expressed in the Bible

”Who is my mother? And who are my brethren? For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother”. (Matt. 12:48-50). This is how universal love is expressed in the Bible where Jesus says that everyone living true the laws of universal love is his equal. Love is a law which need not be written. The world is swamped with written laws which will all become redundant when love is being lived true. During the transition period there will prevail an interesting situation where some people voluntarily live true a new kind of society of higher consciousness and love. Simultaneously other people will cling ever tighter to bureaucratic structures and the materialistic world view. A narrower one can not understand a wider one. The wiser one will be flexible for he realizes that a narrower level of consciousness can not lighten up an equally wide sector of the Universe as the wider. Love is understanding. Just like in raising a child, love gives everyone the opportunity to develop at their own pace. It supports and guides so subtly that everyone is allowed to make their own decisions. Sometimes drawing the line between tender guidance and real intervention requires a consciousness and a love which we can hardly reach in our human bodies. When thinking of our planet we can only imagine the inner strife which the assisting beings are having when watching the destiny of humanity. They are demonstrating extreme forbearance. Time after time and showing minimally low spiritual growth, people are making the same mistakes and patterns over and over again. All new and more constructive models will face a storm of opposition almost in unison. How much time will there be to oppose again and again? How much time will there be to shift the responsibility? When will the childhood end and older souls halt the destructive games? When will love create order in the chaos? There is no reason to oppose a development leading towards a more holistic love and understanding even if we had to give up every item of goods, thought and attitude which we have believed to be our own.  For we can discover ourselves to be a naked and happy, more balanced and internally richer person, part of the entirety of the Universe.  

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Realize love and live it true

Relative Realities, Oil on Canvas, Timo Teide
The more extensive the level of consciousness that you are reaching for, and the more you are love, the more strongly you will embrace everything around you with your being. You are realizing the labor of love. In this world you have a unique chance to put yourself to the test because this world does not always respond to love with love. Knowledge, which is appreciated here, is a different matter than consciousness. Knowledge learnt by heart is like sex, it can be used with love or without it. Inner consciousness is love. This world is filled with people who use external knowledge and skills without love that they have learned in various societal tasks. Schools teach us to suppress the flow of love and intuitive consciousness. In fact, they bury our most natural gift under colossal amounts of external information. What is the use of immense professional know-how if there is no love in it? Knowledge in itself is neutral. You are not neutral. You represent some aspect of the divine being always and at every moment. You can use your external knowledge for developing military industries. Huge numbers of people do so. Or you can use your skills for political manipulation and gain yourself more and more power. You can also develop and build ever more products which destroy the planet and burden nature and believe that you are making yourself and others happier with them. You can act in the same way as people have done for millennia already and make the same mistakes over and over again that have become so familiar to humanity. All this can continue in you until you begin to open up for real love and consciousness. After that, the era of human stupidity and irresponsibility is over. This will happen to more and more human individuals at younger and younger ages because humanity is approaching the end of its childhood. Planet Earth is preparing itself for accepting the responsibility and love which duly belong to it on the strength of being part of the Universe. When you live love true you can no longer shirk responsibility. People have turned shirking responsibility almost into a form of art. Whole institutions and religions have been molded until they have become suited for being used as instruments for shirking responsibility. The whole world has become an increasingly unscrupulous Mecca for shirking responsibility as industrialized development has alienated people from nature and itself. And all this would go on until this planet consisted of nothing but dust and ashes unless you, too, started to realize love and live it true. Individuals shall change the world, for the inevitable rise in consciousness will bring with it real, inner knowledge, too. Real knowledge is power and power means responsibility. Power without responsibility is not love. Responsible power is love. Real responsibility is created out of love, not fear. Therefore a society living love true does not need laws. Love is a feeling of responsibility where everything surrounding you is your neighbor whom you love like yourself.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Change can be real

Turku City, Finland, Aura river
Physical evolution is only a projection of consciousness. It is said that the spirit is stronger than matter. We can change the whole world in an instant for better or for worse by changing ourselves. Some have misunderstood this by imagining that the whole reality around them changes as if by magic if only they start following the universal laws of the Creator. Thinking in this way they will become disappointed and in the worst case embittered as they notice that the environment will not change at the same pace with them. This is only natural as they have forgotten to keep in mind the fact that through being born as a human being amidst other human beings we have bound ourselves to the state of collective consciousness. However much we develop as individual beings it does not mean necessarily that others follow suit, too. We have chosen a voluntary commitment to a consciousness which may collectively thinking be very different from that of our own.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

New, more aware human being, You

Wild Night, Oil on Canvas, Timo Teide
You are a rainbow. You are a prism that refracts light. You are a spiritual being which has physical experiences. You live in a world of light. Looked from a world of brighter light, you live in darkness. You live in consciousness. Looked from a world of brighter consciousness, you live in a world where you know nothing. Faith is the key. Believe in yourself. Elevate yourself into a higher state of consciousness. Close your eyes and imagine that you are bathing in the pure and bright colors of a rainbow. Enliven your energy body. All colors of the rainbow are shining in you. You are light. You are consciousness. You can feel the universal creative force flowing through your body.  You can feel to be more of what you are. Take a deep, calm breath, for all fear has disappeared. Your energy centers, wheels of light, chakras, enliven your being until you are like living fireworks full of joy and love.

The more you are the real you the more actively the higher chakras of your body will start to function. A person looking at you will not notice the change because he is only looking at a shell which he has thought to be you. He will not notice that you are shining and glowing with new life, with divine, creative and inexhaustible energy. Your thoughts will be molded more creative and you will be able to see new opportunities where dull and boring grayness prevailed before. New insights will flow into your mind from time to time. First you may not recognize them, you may just wonder at the change taking place in your consciousness. The more imbalanced your environment is, the more it will try your faith. You will be given achance to trust yourself. That chance is divine love. Divine, infinite, absolute love trusts you. Time after time it will give you the opportunity to progress or regress. Divine love will give you new opportunities to mold universal energies in a constructive or a destructive way. Energies that were molded in a wrong way need balancing always. It is your responsibility to balance the energies that you have sent out and manifested. Some call it the law of karma.

You will also balance your energy body until all the colors of the rainbow are flowing through you like a murmuring brook. You will begin with red, you will transform into orange, you will move on to yellow and jump into green, you will open up to blue, will expand to indigo, and finally you will rise to violet. At the end of the rainbow there will shine gold. The violet of the center of your crown will lead your consciousness together with even more spatial colors. You will come into contact with the golden, shining energy center which will slowly descend towards your physical body until it is ready to take its place at some point as part of a new, more aware human being.