Saturday, 27 June 2015

Change can be real

Turku City, Finland, Aura river
Physical evolution is only a projection of consciousness. It is said that the spirit is stronger than matter. We can change the whole world in an instant for better or for worse by changing ourselves. Some have misunderstood this by imagining that the whole reality around them changes as if by magic if only they start following the universal laws of the Creator. Thinking in this way they will become disappointed and in the worst case embittered as they notice that the environment will not change at the same pace with them. This is only natural as they have forgotten to keep in mind the fact that through being born as a human being amidst other human beings we have bound ourselves to the state of collective consciousness. However much we develop as individual beings it does not mean necessarily that others follow suit, too. We have chosen a voluntary commitment to a consciousness which may collectively thinking be very different from that of our own.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

New, more aware human being, You

Wild Night, Oil on Canvas, Timo Teide
You are a rainbow. You are a prism that refracts light. You are a spiritual being which has physical experiences. You live in a world of light. Looked from a world of brighter light, you live in darkness. You live in consciousness. Looked from a world of brighter consciousness, you live in a world where you know nothing. Faith is the key. Believe in yourself. Elevate yourself into a higher state of consciousness. Close your eyes and imagine that you are bathing in the pure and bright colors of a rainbow. Enliven your energy body. All colors of the rainbow are shining in you. You are light. You are consciousness. You can feel the universal creative force flowing through your body.  You can feel to be more of what you are. Take a deep, calm breath, for all fear has disappeared. Your energy centers, wheels of light, chakras, enliven your being until you are like living fireworks full of joy and love.

The more you are the real you the more actively the higher chakras of your body will start to function. A person looking at you will not notice the change because he is only looking at a shell which he has thought to be you. He will not notice that you are shining and glowing with new life, with divine, creative and inexhaustible energy. Your thoughts will be molded more creative and you will be able to see new opportunities where dull and boring grayness prevailed before. New insights will flow into your mind from time to time. First you may not recognize them, you may just wonder at the change taking place in your consciousness. The more imbalanced your environment is, the more it will try your faith. You will be given achance to trust yourself. That chance is divine love. Divine, infinite, absolute love trusts you. Time after time it will give you the opportunity to progress or regress. Divine love will give you new opportunities to mold universal energies in a constructive or a destructive way. Energies that were molded in a wrong way need balancing always. It is your responsibility to balance the energies that you have sent out and manifested. Some call it the law of karma.

You will also balance your energy body until all the colors of the rainbow are flowing through you like a murmuring brook. You will begin with red, you will transform into orange, you will move on to yellow and jump into green, you will open up to blue, will expand to indigo, and finally you will rise to violet. At the end of the rainbow there will shine gold. The violet of the center of your crown will lead your consciousness together with even more spatial colors. You will come into contact with the golden, shining energy center which will slowly descend towards your physical body until it is ready to take its place at some point as part of a new, more aware human being.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Only the love within you counts

Our world is filled with successful people whose success is worth nothing, for it lacks love. This world has only a few economically and socially successful people who live love true. For in our world the structures upon which the ladders of success are built are often made up of selfishness and frequently of deceitfulness, hate and greed, too. Even if you climb up those ladders there will be love inside you. As a dormant opportunity deep within you it is awaiting patiently until you are ready. It will await until you have experienced enough to be able to show your real self and say, ”I am”. You may be successful or unsuccessful in society. Only the love within you counts. Love is your resource which you carry with you from life to life and from dimension to dimension. For you are love.