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Relative Realities, Oil on Canvas, Timo Teide |
The more extensive
the level of consciousness that you are reaching for, and the more you are
love, the more strongly you will embrace everything around you with your being.
You are realizing the labor of love. In this world you have a unique chance to
put yourself to the test because this world does not always respond to love
with love. Knowledge, which is appreciated here, is a different matter than
consciousness. Knowledge learnt by heart is like sex, it can be used with love
or without it. Inner consciousness is love. This world is filled with people
who use external knowledge and skills without love that they have learned in
various societal tasks. Schools teach us to suppress the flow of love and
intuitive consciousness. In fact, they bury our most natural gift under
colossal amounts of external information. What is the use of immense
professional know-how if there is no love in it? Knowledge in itself is
neutral. You are not neutral. You represent some aspect of the divine being
always and at every moment. You can use your external knowledge for developing
military industries. Huge numbers of people do so. Or you can use your skills
for political manipulation and gain yourself more and more power. You can also
develop and build ever more products which destroy the planet and burden nature
and believe that you are making yourself and others happier with them. You can
act in the same way as people have done for millennia already and make the same
mistakes over and over again that have become so familiar to humanity. All this
can continue in you until you begin to open up for real love and consciousness.
After that, the era of human stupidity and irresponsibility is over. This will
happen to more and more human individuals at younger and younger ages because
humanity is approaching the end of its childhood. Planet Earth is preparing
itself for accepting the responsibility and love which duly belong to it on the
strength of being part of the Universe. When you live love true you can no
longer shirk responsibility. People have turned shirking responsibility almost
into a form of art. Whole institutions and religions have been molded until
they have become suited for being used as instruments for shirking
responsibility. The whole world has become an increasingly unscrupulous Mecca for shirking
responsibility as industrialized development has alienated people from nature
and itself. And all this would go on until this planet consisted of nothing but
dust and ashes unless you, too, started to realize love and live it true.
Individuals shall change the world, for the inevitable rise in consciousness
will bring with it real, inner knowledge, too. Real knowledge is power and
power means responsibility. Power without responsibility is not love. Responsible
power is love. Real responsibility is created out of love, not fear. Therefore
a society living love true does not need laws. Love is a feeling of
responsibility where everything surrounding you is your neighbor whom you love
like yourself.