Saturday, 31 October 2015

The Lovely You

Happily in front of the latest painting. I'm sitting in timelessness. The colors are light. My body is light.
You are part of the universe with me.

You are a child of light. You are joy and freedom. You can be that. You know how to. For you have all knowledge. That knowledge is not in the depths of your brain but it is in you, in the consciousness of your Higher Self, your eternal self. No one can teach you anything new, they can only help you to remember what you have forgotten. You may have forgotten even love. I do not mean that you are an embodiment of the evil full of hate and injustice when I say that you may have forgotten love. I mean by it your characteristics which are more real and closer to absolute love than the activity through which you may now manifest yourself. Most of us would be capable of achieving vastly wider and more loving self-expression than we can remember. People speak about love quite lightly. Love is mainly understood as a rather easy and manageable skill between two people which sustains a relationship and a family structure. In reality, most relationships would not be held together at all if people expressed their real selves and love. On the journey to love one can not pass the basic questions about life nor the absolutely honest self-criticism concerning the value system. A great number of the relationships between people are based on an artificial value system which is mirrored in one respect as well as another. One remains content as long as no one questions the structure. Such a state of contentment can never last long because on one’s spiritual journey every evolutionary being must purify its holistic being from energy dross. Every one will have to clear their way to the light from the suffocating case of values and attitudes where they have set themselves. Would it thus not be better to do it right now? Why would you wait? After all, you are free and can fly straight out of the bottle whenever you wish. Are you like a fly stuck in an empty bottle? Although the bottle is open the fly is going around and around inside the bottle, attracted by the lights glowing through the glass, until in the end it collapses on the bottom. Or will you fly out of the open bottle and meet the real light? You will then be freed from the illusion you created for yourself when thinking that the bottle is unbreakable. You did not want to recognize the fragility of the glass nor that the alluring lights were out of your reach. It is wiser to fly out to freedom by guiding oneself and having everything under control than to wait until the illusion around oneself breaks, in which case reality will rush in like a flood into the safe artificial world