Saturday, 19 December 2015

You may and can realize everything

Star Wars was partly filmed here... a breakfast in the desert of the Empty Quarter,UAE. Notice my Ministry of Magic cap..

The industrialized market economy is like a swarm of flies in a bottle. There is a senseless hustle and bustle going on with aims to produce ever more dross to dim the light shimmering through the opening of the bottle. Nevertheless, more and more people are observing the light coming from some heights above and are flying to freedom. The choice is yours although the people and structures around you try to claim you can not. But you can. I, too, can, and anyone who says he can not, he can do it too. We all can fly into the light. It is no hashed-over stuff of the weak or a fool’s paradise but a return to reality. A return to freedom and an elevation of oneself to love.

Someone might say that society can not function if people did nothing but try and develop themselves spiritually, meditate and love. I, on my part, can ask what value does society have if it can not function out of love? What value does a system have which keeps itself together by creating fear, dependency and discord? Are you able to answer these questions honestly? Or will several objections ”one must” immediately occur to you which have been fed into your mind since you were born here as a child? Every ”one must” thought dims your relationship to your self and to our understanding of the purposeful functionality of the Universe. You do not have to put anything into effect but you may and can realize everything.