Wednesday, 6 May 2015

From human being to human being

Just a landscape from the window
How I love these moist and warm rainy days. The wind has brought droplets of water on my face.
Meditative presence carries me through this particular day. I smile.

The notion which people have of love is emphatically limited to the sector of human relations. Although a significant and challenging part of life, it is only one aspect of experiencing love in a comprehensive way. If you are unable to feel love for animals and the environment, to respect the surface and the inmost of the living planet like your own self, how can you say you love another human being? You can say you do because you can say anything and mean it or not mean it in your heart of hearts. And why not, the divine talent of talking is used here more for spouting platitudes than for expressing things that we really want to say. When we then meet a person who says he or she loves us and really means it, we may give a snort of indignation and retire into our shell even more. The more empty words pour out from people’s mouths the more difficult it is to recognize the one who really speaks with the voice of truth. One must never lose hope although in this isolated world you may feel you are alone with your innermost truth. What will you do then? Will you continue spouting platitudes with the people that you meet, or will you come forward with your real thoughts? We are not behaving naturally nor are we expressing our real thoughts because we are afraid of losing someone or something. But losing someone who does not accept you as you are is good for you. Do not be afraid for you are being loved. This is surprising because for years you may have lived in a relationship or in a job imagining that you are being loved. You have bought love from your environment by suppressing the real you.

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